Ich bin Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil. You are
one of the most loved and hated poetic works.
Death and decadence are important themes for
you, but none should overlook your impressive
aesthetics, either. Deep down youre not evil at
all, you just like to play the tough guy on the
via gigantville

Welcher Literaturklassiker bist du?
Desideria - 28. Juni, 16:56

The picture of dorian gray´
Oscar Wilde: The Portrait of Dorian Gray. You are a
horror novel from the world of dandies, rich
pretty boys, art and aesthetics, and
intellectual debates between ethical people and
decadent pleasure-seekers. You value beauty and
pleasure but realize their dangers, as well.

Which literature classic are you?
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Baudelaire, ach ...

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"Dass man weiß, dass man drüber hinwegkommt, wie man früher einmal war." [Tomte]

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Ring Ring
Hey, how are you doing? Sorry you can't get through. Why...
shattered - 29. Juni, 17:10
It doesn't take much...
I've been living this sheltered life.
shattered - 29. Juni, 16:42
Was ich noch schreiben...
aber bisher nicht geschrieben habe - wieso auch immer. Indizes...
shattered - 28. Mai, 16:17
"Becks Green Lemon
ist der Apfelkorn der 00er-Thirtysomethings." k irschrot...
shattered - 15. Mai, 10:41
Sonntag, 7:00 Uhr. Ich bin wach. Das kann doch nicht...
shattered - 9. April, 10:01


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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 29. Juni, 17:10


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